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  • Casca de Psyllium em Pó

    Nome do Produto: Psyllium Husks Powder
    Nome latino: Plantago Ovata, Plantago Ispaghula
    Taxa de especificação: 98%-99% Em pó
    Aparência: off -white powder
    Mesh size: 40-60 Malha
    Peça Usada: Husk
    Grau: Food Additives
    Método de teste: TLC
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Aditivo alimentar
    • Descrição do produto

    What is Psyllium?

    Psyllium is a soluble fiber predominantly used as a mild laxative that forms a bulk in products like Metamucil. It originates from Plantago ovata, a shrub-like herb that grows all over the world but is most popular in India. Each plant can produce up to 15,000 tiny, gel-coated seeds, from which psyllium husk is derived.
    Natural Psyllium Husk Powder is perhaps the best wellspring of dietary fiber you can discover. It additionally has a side-serving of fundamental minerals that make the food considerably more gainful. Produced using the husks of psyllium plants, this item is generally utilized in weight the executivesplans.

    psyllium fiber

    Psyllium husks contain soluble fiber that may decrease cholesterol. Psyllium is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other digestive issues. It can help with both constipation and diarrhea. Psyllium has also been used to help diabetics control their blood sugar levels. Psyllium husk creates a gelatin-like material when it comes into contact with water, which aids in the movement of waste through the intestinal tract. Increased fiber consumption may lower the incidence of colon cancer, according to a number of sizable population-based studies, although other research has shown inconsistent results.

    Nome do Produto Casca de Psyllium em Pó
    Aparência Off-white Powder
    Partical size 100% Passar 80 Malha
    MOQ 1kg
    certificate ISO9001/Halal/Kosher
    Validade 2 anos
    Amostra acessível
    Supplier Eastro nutre
    Product description The plant part known as psyllium husk, also known as psyllium, is found in the seeds of the Plantago ovata species of the genus Plantago, which is native to India but is also found elsewhere. Hygroscopic psyllium husks may absorb liquids and are generally employed as bulk-forming laxatives. They are also a rich source of dietary fiber and are utilized in the production of mucilage for commercial purposes.

    casca de psyllium em pó

    Psyllium husks powder Benefits


    Psyllium husk powder relieves constipation, as demonstrated by numerous well-designed research. It expands and creates more volume when coupled with water, which causes the intestines to contract and hastens the transit of stool through the digestive system. Ásia, Europe, and North America all utilize psyllium as a laxative in large quantities.


    De acordo com estudos, a high-fiber diet may benefit diabetics with their cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and insulin levels. In those who are at risk, it might also lessen the likelihood that they will develop diabetes.


    Além disso, psyllium husk powder can be used to treat mild to moderate diarrhea. It causes the digestive tract to absorb a substantial amount of water, which makes stools harder and more difficult to clear.

    Heart Disease

    Including high-fiber items in your diet, including psyllium-enriched cereals, may help reduce your chance of developing heart disease. De acordo com a pesquisa, eating a diet high in water-soluble fiber lowers triglyceride levels and reduces the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.

    High Cholesterol

    A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet that also includes soluble fibers, such as those found in psyllium husk, guar gum, flax seed, and oat bran, can help decrease cholesterol. Psyllium husk powder has been found in studies to lower levels of total and LDL (bad) colesterol, which may help minimize the risk of heart disease. Psyllium husk powder offers an additional advantage to lowering cholesterol levels when used with statins or other cholesterol-reduction medications.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Studies have shown that soluble fiber, such as psyllium, can aid with IBS symptoms including diarrhea and constipation. Yet other research has shown contradictory findings.

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Although studies have had mixed outcomes, some doctors advise psyllium for mild to moderate ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease-related diarrhea (another type of inflammatory bowel disorder). Psyllium was found to be just as effective in keeping ulcerative colitis patients in remission in one research as the prescription medication mesalamine (Pentasa, Rowasa, Asacol). No entanto, for some IBD sufferers, consuming too much psyllium can exacerbate symptoms. To determine the appropriate amount of fiber for you, consult with your doctor frequently.

    The Best Bulk Psyllium Powder Supplier

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