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  • Benefits and Side Effects of Stevia

    Stevia leaves are a natural sweetener from a shrub that grows naturally in Brazil and Paraguay. South Americans have used it as a food sweetener for hundreds of years. In recent decades, other countries have also begun to use the plant widely. Due to its many health benefits, stevia leaf was also approved for use as a food additive by …

  • Five Natural Sweeteners With Health Benefits

    Quitting a sugar addiction can be difficult for some people. But given the dangers of sugar, it’s worth the effort. Luckily, there are some natural sweeteners that offer health benefits. Not only are they low in calories, they’re low in fructose, and they taste very sweet. 1. Stevia Stevia is a popular low-calorie sweetener. It is extracted from a plant …

  • MCT Powder

    MCT – scientific name medium chain triglyceride, is a saturated fatty acid. Compared with long-chain fatty acids (more than 12 carbon atoms, commonly tallow and lard) commonly found in the general diet, medium-chain fatty acids are molecules composed of 6 to 12 carbon atoms. Fatty acids with fewer carbon atoms mean easier digestion and use by the body. Simply put, …

  • quercetin extract powder

    How Quercetin Inhibits Viral Infections? Among the many properties of quercetin, the most well-studied is its antiviral ability, which is mainly due to three mechanisms of action: A U.S. Department of Defense-funded study, published in 2007, found that quercetin may reduce the risk of viral illness during times of extreme physical stress (extreme physical stress may impair immune function, making …

  • Possibility of Quercetin in COVID-19 Treatment

    With the outbreak of the new corona virus, the new coronary pneumonia continues to spread around the world, and researchers are busy researching effective treatment methods. According to an article in the journal Nature on February 15, 2020, more than 80 clinical trials are currently testing remedies, including intravenous vitamin C, stem cells from menstrual blood, HIV drugs and malaria drugs. …